Delicious Vegetarian Pizza Options at St. Angelo’s

in Pizza, Vegetarian
January 10, 2020
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With fall and football season in full swing, now’s the best time to enjoy pizza at St. Angelo’s. We have specialty pizzas, deep dish, traditional, gluten-free and vegetarian pizzas too. Keep in mind that your parties, football gatherings, or family pizza night don’t have to exclude vegetarians. Pizza is for everyone! Read on to check out some delicious vegetarian pizza concoctions any pizza lover will enjoy.


This pizza is a vegetarian classic that we offer at St. Angelo’s. There are so many veggies on this pie you may have thought that we pulled it straight out of the garden. The toppings include onions, artichokes, mushrooms, tomatoes, green peppers, black & green olives, spinach, and is topped with a layer of mozzarella. Is your mouth watering? Because ours is!


Not feeling so many veggies tonight? Don’t worry! Our Quattro Formaggio Pie will do the trick. A delicious combination of mozzarella, provolone, Romano, and parmesan is all that you need. Fresh basil is sprinkled on top to add a little bit of color to this simple pie. This pizza is a great option, whether you’re a vegetarian or not. However, we do know one thing — you better love cheese!


The Bianca Pie is our original house signature gourmet white pie! It’s topped with fresh garlic, mozzarella, parmesan, and feta cheeses, along with fresh spinach, tomatoes and onions. Can you say yum? This is a classic pie that packs a lot of flavor with the different cheeses and fresh veggies!


This tasty pie is a great option for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike! This signature pizza includes a ricotta base, fresh garlic, artichoke hearts, fresh spinach, and onions all topped with mozzarella cheese. Split the pie in half to share it with a meat lover (we think steak, pepperoni, or chicken is best).


Margarita? No, Margherita! This tried and true, white base pizza includes fresh mozzarella, Roma tomatoes, and fresh basil leaves. This pie may be simple, but is a delicious favorite for many here at St. Angelo’s.


At St. Angelo’s, we try to create pizza combinations for any and every food preference. Whether you’re wanting to try something new or are sticking to the classics, we have something for everyone. Don’t see the pizza you want? Customize any pizza to your liking! Order your next dinner online and let us take care of the cooking